A couple of thoughts here and there.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Preventing a worthless future

You know, I was expecting to see some of my close friends at LifeNight this past Sunday. A few came, but it was still a little disappointing. I'll probably blame that on "night before exams." As I said in my last Xanga, I was content before Mexico with not having close friends within the church. Content may have been enough then, but it is not near enough now.

I have this analogy that I use sometimes...usually for Earth's comparison to Heaven, but it seems appropriate now. When we are still in our mother's womb, we're fine in there. We have everything we need to survive, and we have no idea of anything better than that. Some time later, we're opened to a brand new world. Light. We feel and sense light for the first time. We have space to move around, and it's a brand new, much better experience. Going back to that uncomfortable womb seems like a punishment after that. I believe that's what Heaven will be like after Earth. And that's also what I'm feeling with the church right now. I was merely fine before Mexico, but now that that new world's open to me, I don't want to go back to the way things were. I don't want to lose any friends anymore. I've had enough of that. I'm a selfish kid who wants to have all his new friends around him a lot. That's my weakness, I suppose.

So, I need people, as most of mankind does. God knew this, and Eve was created. So why would this be a weakness? Everything revolved around God back then, and Scripture was recited very often. That's not the case here in 2006. It's rarely spoken about, if spoken at all. But there are those Sunday evenings and Wednesday mornings that I look forward to. Again, I don't know what it is about most of the people, but they're my closest friends. There's love between us.

But the future...past college...what this blog is about. In the future, there is no The Pines. There are very few retreats, and I doubt the adults get the same impact as the kids do. This is the reason why I call that characteristic before a weakness. I begin to wonder what I will do in the future where I know no one. But that only lasts a little bit. Because there is more hope than one would think. God created Eve and gave Adam his partner for life. Adam was not alone anymore. Then came his children, as well as his many descendants, all of whom he loved. And, as Saint John said, God is love. I think about this and I am reassured about a vague future, because no matter how far apart I am from people, there will always be a way to keep in touch with them. There is and always will be that love between my friends and I. And God will be there, always. The absence of God; the absence of love...that is absent on Earth. I will never truly be alone, and, if I'm blessed enough, I will have a wife and children and grandchildren. That is hope enough.

A worthless future? Hardly. Few things are worthless, and those few don't exist in my planned future. I look forward to it.

I'm done with Xanga if you didn't read that post over there explaining it. If you feel like posting a comment on one of my blogs, you don't have to be a Blogger member. I think that's all for now.


  • This might have very little connection with your post, maybe it has hidden connections, either way, I'm going to share it. In church the priest said this, more or less, in his homily. "The way to mesure your love for someone is by how much you sacrifice for them. If you sacrifice a lot, you love a lot. If you sacrifice a little, you love a little." Christ must have loved us a ton, because the sacrifice he made for you, me and eveyone else, was huge. Think about who you sacrifice for. Who sacrifices for you? Who should you sacrifice more for? Maybe you thought you loved someone, but you don't as much as you think you do. Share this with your family and friends, but more than that, really think about it yourself.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/20/2006 11:01 AM  

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