A couple of thoughts here and there.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Pines

You can disregard that post below this one for a second.

Oh, The Pines. The place I always talk about. The place where I always meet new friends. The place that changes my life annually. It's much more than a summer camp or a retreat.

It's the place that I call home.

Driving on the highway, looking at all this big business, all this speed, all of these irritated people...then we take a turn off onto some slightly paved road. If they have a speed limit sign in this forest, there isn't a need for one. It's natural for people to drive a little bit slower as they go through.

That road takes you to The Pines. It's my home, my playground, and my classroom. It has shaped any good that you see in me. It's shame it only lasts a week. And it's a shame that it will be my last week.

I think that when something or someone goes away, it hurts more that you know you won't see it/them again. As opposed to realizing it later. The reason I say this is because I have a feeling that I'm going to be looking around the camp a lot, knowing I won't see any of it anymore.

Maybe that will make it a better experience...to take it all in like that.

But you know what will be a really good experience...reading the letters that %n sends me. lol m i rite???//?

Or else.

Anthony Gerhart
300 White Pine Road
Big Sandy, TX 75755

Apparently, only parents can email campers, so they don't publicly give out the email address. I don't know it. But hand cramps are worth it. ^_^

You know how long mail takes, so don't send one on Friday or anything.

I will write you back though. Please send me a letter.

I'll actually write a blog when I get back.

Back on the 16th!


  • awww. tht's sweet! i don't think i've heard any of my friends talk like that and if i have it's been awhile. :]

    ♥ ERiKA from THE PiNES

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/16/2006 7:27 PM  

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