A couple of thoughts here and there.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Heaven and hell are two ideas that are the basis of the faith for many. There are those who believe out of fear of hell and those that believe for the reward of heaven. I think this type of faith is misguided. It is understood that when Jesus died on the Cross with the weight of the sin of humanity on his shoulders, he died for mankind, so that we may not perish. What is forgotten and sometimes neglected in this thought is the fact that He did not die for the human race as a whole. While that would still be admirable, His love was not bounded to such a general idea. Yes, what is forgotten is that Jesus died for each and every single person in all of existence, from the past, present, and future, and He died for them personally. It is as a brother or a friend would lay down their life for you, for all the love they have for you. And make no mistake, He did not share his Passion with us for the mere gratification of our afterlife consisting of football games in heaven.

Now, it is impossible for any of us to comprehend what heaven is like, similar to how the baby is unable to comprehend life outside the womb. While this is true, I do not think it is important to dwell on the intricate details of what heaven is like, and it is certainly not advisable to base your faith on how rewarding heaven is. This leads to living for the people's conception of heaven, which, in addition to being a mistaken one, begins to turn them away from faith itself. Such love Jesus showed in His Passion...yet there are those who do not live for Him, but only for the gifts that He gives. This, in its most simple form, represents avarice and pride.

They will be disappointed. The misconception involved here is that people think heaven is a place where there is pure happiness, and God will be in the same position that He was here on earth. No, God will play a different role. Heaven, in truth, is oneness with God. You are part of Him, He is part of you. It is incomprehensible, but that is what He wants for us, because that will give us true joy, true meaning, true holiness. It is said that belief in God will save you. As time has gone on, the understood meaning has changed to "acknowledgment that He is there will save you." This is where lives are lost.

It is with grief that I acknowledge the fact that this is how a lot of Christians live. I say Christians specifically, because they know God. They know of His love, His Passion, and yet they decide to live for the earth, for the womb.

Belief is different from acknowledgment in the sense that when you believe, you believe in everything He has advocated, as well as what He has planned for you, which is heaven; oneness with God. And to get to where He wants you to go, you have to live for Him, live for his teachings. If you make a wrong turn, you must get on the road again as quickly as you can, because the more you wait, the farther you'll be from your destination, and the longer it will take for you to get back.

Friend, you can acknowledge that any location at all exists, but you're not going to get there unless you find and follow the directions.


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